December 19, 2024

harassment disciplinary training

How do you discipline an employee for harassment?

The term “workplace harassment” itself is distressing. So, you can imagine the condition of the individuals involved in it. Their overall morale and productivity reduce and they don’t feel safe working in the organization. Here, the responsibility of employers becomes significant. If you are an employer, you should quickly address these incidents and try to […]

How do you discipline an employee for harassment? Read More »


What should harassment prevention training include?

Recently, many incidents have been reported for workplace harassment. So, people are often doubtful before joining an organization or continuing with their jobs. As an employer, you might experience the same in your organization.  The solution to this problem is workplace harassment prevention training.  The training helps the organization to comply with legal requirements and

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What are the requirements for anti-harassment training (EEOC)?

Sexual harassment in the workplace destroys the culture of an organization, affecting the performance of the employees. As the situation is challenging for employers to handle, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has defined certain ways to prevent it. One of them is anti-harassment training. The commission recommends comprehensive training to avoid harassment and

What are the requirements for anti-harassment training (EEOC)? Read More »